A heroine with bite, sword and a brain.
Series: Snow Like Ashes
Author: Sara Raasch
Publisher: Blazer+Bray, USA
My ratings: 4 out of 5 stars
Released: 29th September, 2014
With all the raving month's before the release of Snow Like ashes, I had to read this book immediately. Meira is on the run, with a band of her fellow refugees who have been banished from their country by the evil King in the neighbouring kingdom. Their queen was dead but their hopes of getting their kingdom back is not. Meira has been trained as a child to train as a warrior in the incoming war but it seems she has a crush Mather, the heir to the throne but this is not the lest of her troubles. As King Angra's evil gets darker so does the urgency to get Mather to the throne and hence begins Meira's adventure.
I have no idea how to start writing this review as I have so much to say and yet it all boils down to a few pint. so I'll try to keep this as succinct as possible. The best thing I enjoyed about snow Like Ashes was the world building. The idea about eight kingdoms with four seasons and four rhythms was intriguing. I loved how the author gave physical features of it's resident in line with their kingdoms. For example, Winter was obviously wintery and it's people had silver blond hair and blue eyes, while residents of autumn has red hair and ochre eyes. This gave a wonderful visual to the reader and I was immediately sucked it.
Meira on the other hand was a little hard to like in the beginning as she was stubborn and difficult but as the story moves on we get to see the changes in her, how she matures over the course of this book.
Readers will be pleased to also know that even though there are two love interests, there is no love triangle. It is clear whom Meira want. she may not be very clear about her feeling but it's evident whom she really likes. Mather when first introduced was everything a YA hero should have and then Theron walks in and steals my heart. I can't say more as I don't want to give away the plot, but I will assure you, this book has everything you would ask of a fantasy and more.
Snow Like Ashes had a heroine who showed growth and development, a swoon worthy hero you can root for, a villain you will truly despise, world building which paints a vivid colourful palate for your eyes to savour, action that will have you holding your breath with a dash of romance and a a gripping mystery which unfolds towards the end. I'd recommend it for all YA fantasy fans who like their heroines with a bite and who can actually swing a sword and kick some serious butt.
Releases on the 14th of October, 2014. Grab your copy now.
ARC provided by Balzer + Bray via Edelweiss

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