Bite sized Drystan to chew on
Title: The Snake CharmSeries: Vestigial Tales #1
Author: Laura Lam
Publisher: Penglass Publishing
My ratings: 4 out of 5 stars
Released: June, 2014
It is no secret that I adore Laura Lam’s Pantomime Series. The Snake Charm is a novella set in the same world and revolves around a incident involving Drystan before Micah join R. H Ragona’s Circus.
This novella may be short but it packs a punch. It gives an insight in Drystan world before Micah appears in the scene. The original series is told in Micah’s view point but this novella is tell what Drystan is thinking and what kind of person he is.
I’ll have to hand it to Laura Lam that she has an uncanny ability to grab you by the throat and drag you straight into the Pantomime-verse with just a few sentences. A few paragraphs in and soon, I was overcome by pangs of longing to return back to the original book and experience it all over again.
A nice small dosage pf my beloved Drystan and a touch of magic from vestiges and the crazy world of the now long gone, R. H Ragona’s Circus.

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