Sexy, funny and light. The right mix.
Series: Beautiful Bastard
Author: Christina Lauren
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
My ratings: 3 out of 5 stars
Released: 13th February, 2013
Beautiful Bastard has been on my TBR for ages. I got it for review, which I wanted to read but the mixed reviews put me off and slowly I forgot about it. Then my friend on Twitter reminded me that it was a love hate romance and that I will enjoy it. Hence, I had no choice but to.
Surprisingly, I did enjoy it. With an intriguing title and a stamp of approval, I was pleased to have all my expectations fulfilled. Bennett is Chloe's new boss. Annoying and taxing, he is a boss from hell. He is the bane of Chloe's life at work and does everything in his power to make her miserable. From being rude to not acknowledging her hard work, he gets on Chloe's last nerves. Then one day everything changes when he touches her. Surprised at their own reactions, they have a rather passionate encounter. Which does not improve their relationship the least. In fact it throws their apparent dislike for each other out in the open. But they are uncontrollable in each other's company. As soon as they are alone, they are at each other like rabbits. On the stairs, public bathroom, car park, and even in a lingerie dressing room.
I give it to Christina Lauren with devising so many places where you can have sex out of the bedroom. I enjoyed the back and forth between Chloe and Bennett and watch them struggle to leash their passions for each other. There really wasn't much of a plot but it kept the story together and it all felt cohesive. The romance between them felt interesting, believable and towards the end even bone-meltingly sweet.
It was equal parts sexy and funny. It's been a while since an erotica has been funny and it had many laugh aloud moments. Beautiful Bastard was written in alternative point of views or else Benet would have seemed like a evil, sexual tyrant. I loved his panty stealing antiques. If someone did this in real life it would be not only weird and perverted but also gross and smelly but Christina Lauren make it work.
Beautiful Bastard was light, fun and enjoyable. Amongst the hot sex an making out, there was a sweet love story melded with characters which invoke your emotions and make you invested in their happily ever after.
I'd recommended it to romance readers looking for some fun, light reading which will make you smile and laugh.
ARC received via Simon and Schuter

I don't read a lot of romance, but I really enjoyed this one! I also enjoyed the humor :)
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