Sunday, July 17, 2016

Blog Tour + Giveaway : Under The Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

I am so very excited to be the blog stop on this awesome URTS Blog Tour! I bring something special for my stop. This book was gut wrenching, beautiful and brings forth the real struggle of a young girl suffering from mental issues. Here is the blurb if you haven’t heard about this book.
Title: Under The Rose-Tainted Skies
Author: Louise Gornall
Publisher: Chicken House
My ratings: 4 out of 5 stars
Released: 7th July, 2016
Agoraphobia confines Norah to the house she shares with her mother.

For her, the outside is sky glimpsed through glass, or a gauntlet to run between home and car. But a chance encounter on the doorstep changes everything: Luke, her new neighbour. Norah is determined to be the girl she thinks Luke deserves: a ‘normal’ girl, her skies unfiltered by the lens of mental illness. Instead, her love and bravery opens a window to unexpected truths …

An important and uplifting debut from a British author, which tackles mental health issues such as agoraphobia and OCD.

If you are not intrigued yet, I have another card up my sleeve. I have managed to score a snippet of Louise and it is from when Norah first meets Luke. Read on.


'Can I help?' I can’t look up to see who’s talking to me because anxiety has my chin stapled to my chest, but when I flick my eyes left I can see his reflection in the window. It’s New Boy from next door. He has dimples, and a mop of shaggy dark hair falls casually over his left eye. 

His feet meet, four steps, and my focus is free, running wild like a liberated stallion. 

‘No. No, thank you.’ In context, this might be the dumbest thing I have ever said. ‘I mean . . .’ Deep breath. ‘I mean . . .’ What do I mean? I feel flushed, like I’ve just dipped my face in the centre of the sun. 

Another breath as I stand up, back up, and steady myself against the door frame. I straighten my sweater, pulling it down and trying to cover everything above the soles of my feet. No amount of hugging my torso can hide the two giant teddies. 

I can feel his eyes on me. Probably curious about my attire. Definitely confused as to why I’m fishing for grocery bags on my front porch.” 


I warned you, you will be left asked for more. Well if you are, I have great news for you. I am giving away a copy of Under the Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall. UK Only. Enter away.

 Many other blogs participating in this blog tour, so nothing is stopping you visiting them and finding out more about Under The Rose-Tainted Skies.  


@catrad on July 17, 2016 at 8:02 AM said...

I think that books about mental health issues are so important. I look forward to reading this.

Krystianna on December 23, 2016 at 9:39 PM said...

This one sounds pretty good! I'm glad to see that you liked it!
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

Whisky Cask Company on December 19, 2019 at 5:23 PM said...

This sounds interesting. Keep on rocking!

Shopify Development Agency on June 21, 2023 at 7:43 AM said...

Thank you for sharing such an enticing introduction to Louise Gornall's work.

Team Rhino - Shopify Development Agency.

Colored Abaya on June 21, 2023 at 7:45 AM said...

Sounds interesting. Its about mental health issues - Colored Abaya .

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Valerie Gould on November 28, 2024 at 11:20 PM said...

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