Friday, March 13, 2015

Review: The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski (The Winner's Trilogy)

Schemes, politics, war and young love. This series is epic

Title: The Winner’s Crime
Series: The winner’s Trilogy
Author: Marie Rutkoski
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children’s Book, UK
My ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Released: 12th March, 2015
T he Winner’s Curse last year was a delightful surprise as to how much I enjoyed it. It was not just a book with a pretty cover but had actual substance in it. With The Winner’s Curse ending with a cliffhanger (sort of) I couldn’t get my hands on a copy of The Winner’s Crime soon enough.

Arin is still reeling with the ramification of Kestrel’s announcement and Kestrel is in the capital playing the good bride to be of the country’s Prince. Matters are more complicated now with Herran is a free country but is still facing huge problems and Kestrel struggling with her life at the palace. It still doesn’t stop her from helping Arin’s cause through any means possible. Arin still thinks Kestrel is a traitor and trying to come to terms with. Palace politics are rampant and the King is a new breed of evil and his scheming seems to have another level of deviousness.

Kestrel continues to be a wonderfully complicated character. She may not have the skills to fight her enemies but why use brawn when your brains will do. Her inner struggle between her loyalties to her own country and her sense of right and wrong, makes for wonderful inner dialogues. Her relationship with her father is still so convoluted and the way they unravel towards the end was heart breaking.

Arin is so perfect for Kestrel. He is also torn between his faith on Kestrel and his loyalties towards his cause. It gives him so much depth but in believing that Kestrel betrayed him, it makes for great angst for this reader. Arin and Kestrel’s romance breaks my heart and one perfect scene was so utterly sweet and heart breaking but it managed to capture all right emotion and turmoil.

Since it is the middle book in a trilogy it did suffer slightly from the second book syndrome but it was still epic. It set the stage for the final book and the way it ended had my heart in my throat and I cannot fathom what will happen next.

I really enjoyed The Winner’s Crime for not only its clever plotting, realistic characters and this sense of dread that things were going to get worse. This series is not to be missed by any YA fan as it delivers each time. I cannot wait for the next book and what is in store for Kestrel and Arin. I just hope they get their happily ever after.

Released 12th March, 2015, grab your copy now!

Review copy provided by Bloomsbury Childrens Book, UK via NetGalley


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